How to buy country properties in catalunya?

  • Contact the agents that, you think, may have several properties of your interest.
  • Organise a trip to view properties with, at least, a couple of weeks in advance.
  • Meet with the Estate Agent and talk about the properties-in-Catalonia you are looking for. The more information you give the easier it will be for the Property Agent.
  • Go and view the properties that you have agreed with the Estate Agent.
  • If there are several properties, that are interesting for you, ask for the Cadastral information of those properties so that you can see the size and shape of the property.
  • From now onwards, a solicitor will be able to help you. I am sure the solicitor will follow the written below. If you do not think it is important to have a solicitor then follow the process, ACCURATELY.
  • Ask to meet an architect on the land. You must ask the architect if the house on the land was a dwelling. I he confirms the building was a dwelling, and then asks for a Certificate to take to the Notary. This certificate will cost 150-200 €. If you do not do this certificate, the notary will not register the dwelling. Therefore, the dwelling does not exist in the property Register.
  • Ask the Estate Agent to apply for a Certificate at the Town Hall that confirms the building on the land, is legal. This document has to be taken to the Notary as well. In fact, the notary will ask for this document.
  • Once you have these two documents, ask the agents to help you with the NIE (this is an Identification number for foreigners) at the police station and open the bank account.
  • You are now in conditions to sign the Deposit contract
  • You have to agree in a date to go to the Notary to finalize with the purchase.
  • You are now about to start a new adventure… restoring your dreamed house in Catalonia.